What's not to like about someone who understands we don't all have hours to slave over a oven, and as a result creates meals that can be prepared in 30 minutes? Apparently a lot. I had no idea people gave Rachel Ray such a hard time until I read Jill Hunter Pellettieri's article,
Rachel Ray: Why food snobs should quit picking on her. Luckily, she tends to like Rachel as much as I do:
Her Super Sloppy Joes certainly aren't haute cuisine ,but that's no reason for highfalutin chefs to knock her. Consider what Ray brings to the table: Creativity, adeptness, speed. Her skills are as estimable as those of any Michelin-star-winning chef, and they're far more practical. I may have abandoned my Rachael Ray time trials, but I'm still making "30-Minute Meals." And you know what? They do smell awesome.