While Monnica's camera was on the fritz, she scanned in some old family photos of us, including this gem from 1979. I included a recent photo of her boys to show the comparison and how I actually AM biologically related, despite years of teasing. A sample from the post on her blog:
I've always been told I resemble my Mom, especially by people who knew her growing up. Grandma Cecil (my Mom's Mom) claims Coleman looks just like I did as a child; and I admit that I do resemble a boy in this photo (as well as many of my other childhood photos). And Broedey definitely favors Cecilly, proving that her recessive genes are still an active part of this family's DNA.
I love noting the similarities, but it's especially funny when the kids do too. Coleman saw this photo and identified the people as "Mommy, Coleman and Broedey." He didn't ask why "Broedey" was wearing pink or sporting a sweet pink barrette, but he did ask where "Broedey" got the Ernie doll and whose house the red brink belonged to.
I'm confused. The 79 photo is you and your older sister? And she's on the left, but looks kind of like a boy?