Sigh, you may remember our previous adventures trying to grow grass in the small plot behind the house that we call a backyard. The sod looked awesome for a couple months, then quickly faded away, even with faithful watering.
This time around, we found seed specifically for dense shade and decided to give it a try. Dad was kind enough to let us borrow the rototiller and he and Doug spent a day churning the soil and putting down fertilizer and seed. It's been just over a week and we're still searching for some sprouts. How long do we wait before giving up hope of a grassy lawn?
This time around, we found seed specifically for dense shade and decided to give it a try. Dad was kind enough to let us borrow the rototiller and he and Doug spent a day churning the soil and putting down fertilizer and seed. It's been just over a week and we're still searching for some sprouts. How long do we wait before giving up hope of a grassy lawn?
