The Sears family was 1 for 2 when it came to getting little boys dressed for Halloween. Luckily, August is too little to resist us, so at least one of our monkeys was in festive attire. Will, on the other hand, threw spectacular fits whenever I approached him with his costume, so he spent the Trick or Treat hours running along the driveway and blowing out all the candles in the pumpkins. Repeatedly.
However, with a new day and a little creative bribing, I was finally able to dress him up and snap a few photos for the record.
However, with a new day and a little creative bribing, I was finally able to dress him up and snap a few photos for the record.

Nope, no special pumpkins this year. I took a hiatus from the annual pumpkin carving party, and quickly did all of ours in various polka dot patterns. I see on your blog that you were bringing it strong this year in the carving department!