Trellis in Bloom

In the spring, I enlisted Dad's help to remedy my unsightly porch end, where the brick rail was mysteriously missing. I decided a trellis would be the perfect combination of privacy and beauty. The entire process, from start to bloom, is documented on a Kodak EasyShare gallery.


Christa said…
Cec - what type of vine did you plant? Looks beautiful - I'm jealous.
Cecilly said…
Good question...I have 3 varieties, but the pretty one might be a butterfly bush or something similar.
Christa said…
Cecilly - I'm still obsessed with this vine - I love it. I think I have figured out that it is called a White Autumn Clematis vine (white flowers). From what I've read, it is my understanding that after the blooms fade, there will be some sort of seedlings/pods. Could I talk you into mailing me some to plant in my yard?